Kolhapur in India’s western state of Maharashtra is where the Marathi daily Pudhari was launched by Dr. Ganpatrao Govindrao Jadhav on May 13, 1937 as a weekly but became a daily on January 1, 1939. Since then, Pudhari editions have also been started in Maharashtra’s major districts – i.e. Mumbai, Pune, Sangli, Satara, Nashik, Solapur, Ahmadnagar, Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg and Belgaum – with an edition also printed in Goa. Together, these editions’ circulation amounts to nine lakh copies every day with a readership of more than 40 lakh giving Pudhari the third highest figures among all Marathi dailies in India.
Pudhari newspaper advertisements: Each edition has a different rate for the diverse categories in which one can advertise in Pudhari. These include Matrimonial, Education, Property, Situation Vacant, Astrology, Tour and Travel, Automobiles and much more.
Like other newspaper, Pudhari accepts ads in three formats. These are:
Display ads charged on a per square centimetre basis, these cost the most because, where the budget demands, ads can be of any size and colour and placed anywhere in the newspaper including each page – left or right hand, up or down.
Pudhari classified ads are also of two kinds as with other publications and published on the classified columns:
Classified Display ads, also charged on a per square centimetre basis, cost less than Display ads and can be in black and white or colour text formats having the facility for enhancing the design with images. The advertiser can also compose the ad text online directly by using easy templates – and also upload the ads in PDF/JPEG/EPS formats.
Every day, the classified sections of Pudhari offers advertisers subsections covering various sections like recruitment, business, services, travel, lost & found among the many. It also issues a separate supplement for matrimonial advertisements. These advertising can be in the classified, classified display and display formats.
So, if for instance, you are from Assam or Odisha or Andhra Pradesh wanting to reach western Maharashtra and Goa, look to Bookmyadvt to meet your need through Pudhari.